What does success mean to you and your organization? Is it a matter of dollars saved? Are you seeking to increase employee morale, productivity…or maybe both? Whatever business objectives you are seeking to fulfill for your organization, success is in the technique! Successful organizations know how to set objectives, but more importantly, how to measure the results. Clients engage Kairos Worldwide for our step-by-step, regimented processes. Our attention to detail at every level of an organization, and through every process and procedure, equates to sure-fire success.
The Numbers Say It All…
One thing that Kairos does with every project is establish metrics. We count everything – from the number of steps that it takes to create a file to the number of days it takes to closeout a contract. That forces us to understand every consideration for even the smallest task. And as we all know, it’s often the little things that take a job from “Good” to “Great”.
Measuring data creates the opportunity to identify and make small changes that will result in big differences – for example, changing the order of your steps or changing communications methods to give another department more lead time.
Creating Partnerships…
One of the key methodologies to the success that Kairos creates for clients is our team approach. We come into an organization with the necessary diligence and humility to learn about their tasks and processes – i.e. Why was a certain procedure established? What has been the effect of the implementation of new procedures (be it positive or negative)? Instead of enacting a “bull in the china cabinet” mentality, we partner with our clients to create long-lasting changes that are easily transferable to the company’s culture and overall business objectives.
What Matters Most To You…
Sometimes the changes we spot are “huge” and obvious. But most often, it’s the small adjustments that are done 20 times a day that add up and have the biggest impact on a teams budget or schedule.
Our metrics give us one picture of our progress, but the true test is the impact on you, the Customer!
Real Life Kairos Examples…

Client Feedback…
“[Kairos Employees] easily adapt to the evolving nature of our operations, and are responsive to the needs of the various customers who utilize their services.”
Regenia Griswold
COTR, Department of Energy
“The quality of product and service provided by the resources hired and/or contracted by Kairos has consistently exceeded government expectations. The continued exceptional performance of several key individuals has made the difference in Kairos being a value-added partner in this critical Naval Supply Systems Command initiative.”
Kevin Priest
Program Manager, Navy Warehouse Transfer Initiative
“From HQ Management oversite to the field level Project Management Staff, Kairos excelled in providing critical, timely and expert analytical support.”
Kevin Priest
About Kairos Worldwide…
Kairos Consulting Worldwide, an SBA 8(a) certified company based in Chicago, serves private and public sector clients with global, national, regional and local operations. Kairos was founded in 2004 by professional engineers with extensive corporate backgrounds. The company is certified as both a Woman-owned and Minority-owned Business Enterprise.
Kairos applies engineering principals to improve critical business processes, creating time and cost efficiencies that also reduce errors and increase quality. Kairos produced significant results for clients including the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Energy, Abbot, Ameren, University of Illinois, University of Chicago Hospitals, the American Hospital Association and the National Nuclear Security Administration.